Browse Articles By Tag: chinese medicine
The diagnosis of mesothelioma for many is a death sentence. Traced back to a person’s exposure to asbestos fibers which were permitted to invade the lungs, the cancer is a slowly ticking time bomb that may take years to build but will strike suddenly and with a...
12.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
When you hear the words Chinese medicine, most people will think of acupuncture. Chinese medicine is so much more than acupuncture. The major components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the clinical diagnostics that go into discovering the causes of disharmony...
12.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Do you remember the questionnaire you filled out the last time you were at your doctor’s office? It was most likely lengthy and asked you a number of detailed questions with respect to the symptoms you may have been experiencing. (...)
12.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
There is no doubt that any time that medicine is found to use methods which work, scam artists who will seek to copy methodology, look, and taste of the discovery. Yet unlike the original, the knockoff generally does not have the healing power but instead may actually...
12.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Chinese patent cures in many ways resemble the snake oil salesman of old when the traveling seller of tinctures, herbs, pills, and balms would convincingly promise that his formulas were the answer to anything form baldness over infertility to unrequited love. (...)
10.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
There are four main steps taken when arriving at a diagnosis when practicing Chinese medicine. The four steps are observation, listening & Smelling, Questioning, and Palpation. All of these steps give the practitioner clues as to how the patient's life force is doing. (...)
10.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Chinese medicine for those in China is a complete medical system that diagnoses, treats and prevents illness. This system has been in existence for more than 23 centuries. Chinese medicine can remedy illness, alter an individual's state of mind, improve the...
10.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
While steroids are the bane of existence for professional sports and the semi pro leagues that supply the up and comers, the use of alternative substances is also not without its critics. Granted, these substances will commonly not show up on the overall drug screens...
08.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Achieving harmony equates to wellness. Disharmony equates to disease. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has 3 main areas that is looked to for the cause of disease. These 3 main areas are external causes, internal causes and then there is a small group of...
07.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
The online world of multi level marketing is abuzz with the latest and greatest supplements. Each and every day it seems that a new company is up and coming, while another goes by the wayside. (...)
07.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Chinese medicine has long since been known to achieve astonishing results in the healing of illnesses and also management of pain. This is perhaps the most important reason why many a Westerner who is disillusioned with the kinds of medicines prescribed by their...
04.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Adherents to traditional Chinese medicine who suffer from recurring bronchitis and other lung related ailments which do not seem to respond well to nutritional regimens, herbal supplementation or other approaches will frequently resort to the practice of fire cupping. (...)
04.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
The art and science of Chinese medicine is well known for seeking to treat the human body in its entirety rather than dicing it up into individual chunks and seeking to treat them – a practice that has come into disfavor in the Western world over the course of the...
04.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Peruse the herbal supplementation aisle at your local health food store and you will most likely be overwhelmed by the sheer abundance of supplements that are for sale. All of them claim to be safe, effective and specially formulated to fit your needs. (...)
04.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
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